30 september 2007

My landlord Greg B.

My landlord really wants to be part of this blog so I wanna tell you he is the most execellent landlord in Ireland and even in other places. The first day I came here he said: Everything is yours. Its because he is an aristocrat, he is so polite and generous. Anyway, he always forces me to watch Texas play every saturday, but I am slowly beginning to enjoy it and taking all the space in the sofa.

Greg B. is a writer and I am just waiting for him to be rich and famous writer and very soon he will because somebody that has this name Greg B. sure will.

But leaving the joke behind he is a warmhearted, intelligent and humours characther.

Yesterday I could use his judgement when I went to AAmeeting instead of thinking for hours.

There is though one thing Greg B. (he is also goodlooking) will be responsible for, and that is my novel: A good advice of the locksmith, - he has, - notice this, lended me his computer day after day to finish my novel. Without his help my
novel would never be publish this winter.

And the thing is I am still torturing myself, should I publish it, should I not, - but with the computer I am only torturing my story. Time will show if it was the right move, - to publish, and that time comes from Greg B.

So Greg B. is the timekeeper.

He also says that if there comes any men after me, he is going to talk to them as my father would do. Yebb. Greg B. is actually allover my life.

I only have to breath and thats nice.

He even cook me a food, and I still havent cook him anything, he is a great in everything, I call him The Great Greg.

This was only a little about The Great Greg B. my american landlord in Ireland.

Say hello to Greg B.

3 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Ég las þetta margsinnis og huxaði: svona fullkominn maður er náttúrlega ekki til. Velti fyrir mér í hvaða merki hann er.

Allt í lagi hér. Garpur í heimsókn í kvöld, var að koma af fundi.
Bless og bið að heilsa Gregó

Nafnlaus sagði...

hannn er i meyjunni, faeddur 74, en ja thetta er nottla soldid grin, fullkomid grin.

Nafnlaus sagði...

god byrjun