18 október 2007

Ny Elisabet a hverjum degi

Ja, thad kemur ny Elisabet i ljos a hverjum degi her i Dublin, thad er eins gott hun eigi ser nokkra fasta stadi, sitt netkaffihus, The Global, sitt kaffihus, The Divine, fastan AA-fund, sinn resturant Griska stadinn, - thvi thad er svo gaman ad mynda sambond og fa bros thegar madur kemur aftur, og kannski kaffi og koku, og bros thegar madur fer, einhver ord sem falla, hvar er Hrafn brodir minn annars, en thad eru svona nyjar Elisabetur sem poppa upp.

This place is like a war area.

The blogsite you mean.

My brain I suppose. You have to watch out, watch every step, every word, what you say, what you not say. This is not freedom, this is like a jail, always thinking what to say, how to say it, thats war area, right, I know this place, its my brain, never cross the limits, exactly, dont love, dont live, dont say, just watch so nothing will happen, so everything will remain still.

So what could happen.

Humanity, the monster could come crawling out, as well as the angel.

You must be tired.


Yeah, of taking all this care.


Care of your brain.

I suppose. Yeah. But since my brain has to deal with new pattern, like learning to use the ticket-machine, finding new streets, and everything, then this new pattern is breaking up the old pattern in the brain, and therefore this new Elisabet breaks out, actually it was an old Elisabet hiding in the brain, but now she pops out. Yeah. Everything is put in danger.


Danger yes, this is a danger. She has no map, no past, the past is gone, she wanted to live in the past, she wanna have new computer and make a novel.

So why doesnt she do that.


Elisabet, some of the new Elisabet.

I suppose she hasnt pop out yet.

So she will pop out of a strawberry.

Strawberry. Are you saying my brain is a strawberry.

Sweet as a strawberry.


Dasamlegt lif.

Hvad er svona haettulegt vid thad?

It gives all the Elisabets space. All her family, friends, the sun and the sky.

Engin ummæli: