27 október 2007

The worries of Ella Stina

The worries of Ella Stina are highly guarded and kept in a safe place.

When Ella Stina came to Ireland there was a left-traffic there. Ella Stina went mad because of this but hasnt been able to control the traffic in Ireland, so everytime she crosses the street she rescue her life. Her head is out of control, she cant even control her own head. When the head is supposed to look left, its looking right.

So the right-traffic from her homeland is deeply printed in her soul.

In her body would she also say. Ella Stina is learning how to use her body in a new way, and who blame her for being crazy.

Its not only the right-traffic that is deeply printed in her soul, but her worries.

When Ella Stina was a child she was worried, she worried about her mother, her father, her brother, her self, will there ever become something out of me, Ella Stina thinking everyday, and deeply worried about her parents marriage, thinking all day if she could save it. And will I get the Nobel-prize, also was a big one. And will everything be okay. What everything? Everything. Oh,so you worry about everything.

Being worried was such a big issue for Ella Stina she felt like she had committed crime if she stopped worrying.

She worried about stopped drinking, smoking, waking up in the morgning, her books, her sons, her house, her death, her life, although life had become wonderful, she didnt stop worried. She wasnt even aware of it, until she had deal with this left-traffic in Ireland.

She didnt saw it immediately, when she woke up in Ireland, there was huge marks on her face, the worries were printing themselves into her face, everyday.

Ella Stina looked in the mirror and saw the marks. Why am I worried, I have a wonderful life. I am in foreign country, nice school, able to sail over the ocean and everything. Now I worry about everything, look at the marks on my face.

Then one day, she knew the worries was like the left-traffic in Ireland, very hard to stop worrying when you have done it for such a long time.

You have to look in a new direction.

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Off to Rome!!
Mun rýna í leirlitaða múrsteina og hlaðna veggi, finna ilminn af heitu malbikinu og hlusta eftir ómi sögunnar...

Mjög flott forsíða, algerlega við hæfi flottri sögu..
Luv luv í hlössum,

Elísabet sagði...

kolbra, thu ert skald, thu ert buin ad skalda upp rom.

goda ferd, knus, ekj