07 október 2007

A poem from a dream

The glacier has melted
the river is growing
and dangerous to cross the bridge

except with poetry.


4 ummæli:

Kristín Bjarnadóttir sagði...

xxx k

Nafnlaus sagði...

takk saeta, saeta, menn ad tala saman a svolunum, mig langar ad segja eitt saett i einu brefi en thori thvi ekki, start thinking, og petur brukk a morgun.

and me with my lion.


Nafnlaus sagði...

elisabet meina eg, las lika bloggid thitt, storkostlegt, man ekki hvort eg kommentaradi.

still the same elisabet with the still the same lion

Kristín Bjarnadóttir sagði...

thanx!Flower. but there are still cero komment on my weblog.