10 október 2007

The old man on the train

It was an old man on the train, he had been attacked, he had three scars on his face, he said he had gone shopping about 8.30 in the evening and then went through dark tunnels where three teen-ages attacked him. He said, why me, I have never harmed anybody and I have a 30 years old daughter in a wheel-chair, what will happen to her if something happens to me.

I told him not to blame himself, the victim always takes the blame as well. And when we said goodbye and he shook my hand his hands were stiff and icecold.

He had started the conversation with the words, what a sunny day.

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Og svo á Birta afmæli í dag!
Knús til þín.

Elísabet sagði...

ja, eg er nu heldur betur buin ad vera hugsa til hennar birtu, enda hefur thetta verid einn bjartasti dagurinn a irlandi og lysti ser ma. i thvi ad eg hringdi i garp, - af thvi eg drost ad vatni sem er a skolalodinni og thar voru svanir.

knus og knus til Birtu.
