16 nóvember 2007

Elisabet entertainer

Some people say my blog is poetry and they cant comment. Okay. Thank you. But I need comment as every creature on earth, I am not begging for comment, I am craving, no carving, ha ha ha, I am a entertainer, all my blog is entertaining poetry, the front, I am always publishing the front, but what is behind this little soul of Ella Stina, how is she doing, fine? I have been dealing with lonleyness, arrogance, rejection, self-pity, worrying, stress, - yesterday they were many more, now I cant remember them, shame, anger, there it goes, fear, - fear that something bad could happen to my children like I feared in the old days, now they are grown up, but anyway, all this is a little entertaining on my humble blog, - I am manic depressive but I am gifted with this flow, otherwise I would be inside my head and my head inside, where is inside, somebody tell me! - I am not making excused for my manic depressive, I am just trying to use it to control the world, hey there, I love to entertain, I really love to bring all the worries, fear, anger, selfpity, shame on stage, - and then, - let it ride!


Those feelings I counted above are the feelings of the travellers, because I wonder everyday, I see the leaves falling, the bridges, the beggar-girl playing harmonica, the buildings, the trains, and yes, even the people, imagine, and I wonder and am happy. And I say to myself, Elisabet, you are in Ireland, imagine, you are in Ireland, look at this, because soon you will going home and this will all fade away, - and seem like a dream.

1 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

parf ad athuga:)