09 nóvember 2007

Something about America

Do you know why Irish people are nice, they dont want you to go to America.


Travelling around Ireland there are houses, ruined, grey houses, the door is gone, empty windows, the walls broken by time, and looking at them they take a deep breath: Went to America.


Going to America for the million of Irish was going from ashes into the fire, except for Kennedy or Judy Garland, above all your grandmother was lying at the bottom of Atlantic Ocean.

3 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hae, Thorgrimur Thrainsson bad ad heilsa, hringdi i gaer ad spyrja um thig. Svo bidja Edda og Gulla ad heilsa og eg man ekki hverjir.
Eg lika. Og takk fyrir laufbladid.Eg fann hjartastein handa ther i Oman.

Elísabet sagði...

my dear mother,

geturdu latid hann fa numerid mitt i irlandi, eda netfangid,

vantar lika heimilisfangid hja Thoru, og bid ad heilsa ollum thinum fogru, yndislegu vinkonum,

ja mamma, thu er soldid Irland,

og svo galdrad i kvold,

knus, elisabet

Elísabet sagði...

Thetta laufblad sem eg sendi ther var lika handa konunni sem gengur med manninum um straeti Dublinar a sjounda aratungum, ja :)

og nu eg er ad reyna komast a thjodminjasafnid, en bloggid er svo skemmtilegt, o o o,
