13 nóvember 2007

Eg skriftadi

Hvad gerir madur a Irlandi; fer til Ameriku, bordar kartoflur og skriftar. Eg for i messu a laugardaginn, uppljomudu gluggarnir lokkudu mig til sin, a eftir spurdi eg prestinn hvort eg maetti skrifta thott eg vaeri ekki katholsk og hann leyfdi mer thad. Svo a eftir bad hann gud um ad senda mer styrk og frid, og thad hef eg verid ad hugsa um, styrk og frid, thvi styrkur og fridur - thad er ekki eg, thad er gud.

5 ummæli:

Annie sagði...

Hae Elisabet. Did you know that Iceland Express are doing a direct flight to Iceland from Dublin on Thursday evening? Coming back Sunday evening. I know the flight is not full yet, thought I should let you know.

By the way, I lost my phone and your number.

Elísabet sagði...

Really, my book is comming out on Thursday, thats must be the reason, oh, its from Dublin, so I can go home and read from my book, yes, they are difineatly doing it for me, -

I go home 1.december but I will hopefully have a reading from my book in Dublin next weak,

so nice to hear from you, I have been thinking of you, I cooked kjotsupa this evening, yebb,

but I was hoping the man I am in love with should come to Dublin with my book, - but perhaps I must go...

things are upside down.

my number is 0872 199 168

my best and now I start thinking,


Elísabet sagði...

How much is it.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Konan skildi mig einan eftir og for til islands i nokkra daga, thetta vaeri fullkomid taekifaeri til ad koma i heimsokn til thin ef eg aetti nu bot fyrir rassgatid.

Nafnlaus sagði...

ertu buin med alla peningana, greyid mitt, ja thad vaeri nu gaman ef thu kaemir, attu ekki visakort....:)
